Tuesday, March 24, 2009

VISTA Impact & Beyond!

I'm incredibly excited about the possibility that all of the new service legislation moving through right now holds both nationally and globally. You may be wondering about the impact of some of the existing programs and why upgrading and expanding them can create great social change. I'd like to share with you the AmeriCorps*VISTA annual report, which highlights projects from each of the 52 United States: Overcoming Poverty, Building Capacity.

(If this link takes you to the Vista Campus website, simply login as a guest to see the report.)

I'm particularly proud to share this report, as the project that I was a VISTA member and leader in for the last two years, the Children & Youth Project of NW PA, is the featured project in Pennsylvania.

Read it over, and I hope you'll be inspired to raise your voice in favor of the Serve America Act and the GIVE Act. It's the right time to expand national service in our country - I get chills imagining the potential that will be unleashed with the support of this legislation!

My AmeriCorps experience is such a large part of the reason that I'm studying what I am right now and aspire to work for social change in the future. Not only will this legislation impact those being served by the expansion of programs and those who commit to service during their terms of service, but I venture to predict a large increase in the number of people entering social impact fields as a result of their term of service. It's life-changing to be a part of a national service movement, and as service opportunities expand, the potential for creating a critical mass of people concerned with the future of our world also expands.

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